auxiliary/Thoughts and

ToDo soon

General notes for things to do at some later point

2022-08-24 Andreas notes

Copied this over from the other file.

Have an add_flow function, maybe like this: diag_list <- add_flow(diaglist, from = "S", to = "I", type = "interaction", label = "bSI") It would basically add a row to the flows dataframe of diag_list. User can then further manipulate/style with update_diagram() Could be from = "I", to = "m_bUV", for example to connect to an arrow. Or one entry could be empty to indicate external flow.

2022-07-27 Andreas notes

2022-06-11 Andreas notes

andreashandel/modeldiagram documentation built on July 31, 2023, 10:05 a.m.